Source code for FunTuple.FunctorCollection

# (c) Copyright 2024 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
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# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
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# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
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import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TypeVar, Union

from Functors.grammar import ComposedBoundFunctor, BoundFunctor  # type: ignore[import]
from Functors.grammar import FunctorBase  # type: ignore[import]

[docs] Self_FunctorCollection = TypeVar("Self_FunctorCollection", bound="FunctorCollection")
[docs] Type_FunctorDict = Union[Self_FunctorCollection, dict[str, Union[FunctorBase, str]]]
[docs] class FunctorCollection: """ Class to hold the functor/variable dictionary. Attributes: functor_dict: dictionary of functors/variables, whose key is the field (branch) name suffix and value is the Functor code. Methods are largely the same as for a dict class with specific requirements: update : extends a given dictionary of functors to the collection, throwing a warning about overwriting an entry if it already exists. pop : given a name or list of names it removes the functors from the collection, raising an error if the entry(ies) does(do) not exist. add operator (+) : adds two FunctorCollection, for common entries warns the user about picking the entry from "base" FunctorCollection instance. sub operator (-) : returns a FunctorCollection that contains unique entries between two FunctorCollections. get_loki_functors(self): returns dictionary of loki functors get_thor_functors(self): returns dictionary of thor functors """
[docs] __slots__ = "functor_dict"
def __init__(self, functor_dict: Type_FunctorDict = {}) -> None: """ Default and copy constructor. Args: functor_dict (dict or FunctorCollection): input dictionary of functors/variables or a FunctorCollection instance. For an input dict, keys are field (TTree branch) name suffixes and values are Functor code. """ # Allow for copy-construction
[docs] functor_dict = ( deepcopy(functor_dict.functor_dict) if isinstance(functor_dict, FunctorCollection) else functor_dict )
self.functor_dict: Type_FunctorDict = {} try: self.functor_dict = dict(functor_dict) except ValueError: raise ValueError( f"FunctorCollection: Class must be initialised with a dict, not type {type(functor_dict)}. Please check!" ) from None # Check that keys and value of expected type (replace this with typing module introduced in python 3.5 when available in newDV). for k, v in self.functor_dict.items(): # checks for key if not isinstance(k, str): raise TypeError( f"All keys for 'functor_dict' should be of type str; instead key {k} is of type {type(k)}. Please check!" ) from None # checks for value if not ( isinstance(v, str) or isinstance(v, BoundFunctor) or isinstance(v, ComposedBoundFunctor) ): raise TypeError( f"Functors have to be either of type string (for LoKi) or BoundFunctor (for ThOr) or ComposedBoundFunctor (for ThOr). The specified functor {v} is instead of type {type(v)}. Please check!" ) from None
[docs] def update(self, functor_dict_new: Type_FunctorDict): """ Add new entries to the FunctorCollection given a dictionary. Raises a user warning about overwriting an entry if it already exists. """ if isinstance(functor_dict_new, dict): for key in functor_dict_new.keys(): if key in self.functor_dict: warnings.warn( f"FunctorCollection.update: The collection already contains an entry with same name {key}. Overwriting that entry." ) return self.functor_dict.update(functor_dict_new) else: raise TypeError( "FunctorCollection.update: Argument must be a dict. Please check!" ) from None
[docs] def pop(self, functor_names: Union[str, list[str]]): """ Remove an entry or a list of entries from the FunctorCollection. Args: functor_names (str or list): entries to be removed. Raises: AttributeError: if the input is not adequate. KeyError: if an entry to be removed does not exist. """ if isinstance(functor_names, list): missingfunc = [ fname for fname in functor_names if fname not in self.functor_dict.keys() ] if missingfunc: raise KeyError( f"FunctorCollection.pop: Failed attempt to remove non-existing key(s)\n{missingfunc}\nfrom the Collection. Nothing done." ) from None else: _ = [self.functor_dict.pop(fname) for fname in functor_names] elif isinstance(functor_names, str): self.pop([functor_names]) else: raise AttributeError( "FunctorCollection.pop: Argument must be a key or a list of keys. Please check!" ) from None
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Representation as a string in the common '<...>' format, providing the number of ThOr and LoKi functors stored. """ n_thor_fctors, n_loki_fctors = len(self.get_thor_functors()), len( self.get_loki_functors() ) return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}: n_thor_fctors={n_thor_fctors}, n_loki_fctors={n_loki_fctors}>"
# Option str operator for printing
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ print(FunctorCollection) gives all the entries inside the FunctorCollection. """ return ( f"<FunctorCollection object at {hex(id(self))}:\n" + "".join( [f" {key}: {val}\n" for key, val in (self.functor_dict).items()] ) + ">" )
# define + operator
[docs] def __add__( self: Self_FunctorCollection, other: Self_FunctorCollection ) -> Self_FunctorCollection: """ Return all entries from two FunctorCollection e.g. FunctorCollection_1(A,B) + FuntorCollection_2(B,C) gives FunctorCollection(A,B,C) where B is from FunctorCollection_1. Raises a user warning about common entries (this should rather be an error, I think) """ if not isinstance(other, FunctorCollection): raise TypeError( f"FunctorCollection.__add__: Input is not of type FunctorCollection, instead is of type {type(other)}. Please check!" ) from None keys_self = list(self.functor_dict.keys()) keys_other = list(other.functor_dict.keys()) common_keys = list(set(keys_self).intersection(keys_other)) if common_keys: # raise RuntimeError("The two functors have common entries {0}. Please check.".format(common_keys)) warnings.warn( f"The two functors have common entries {common_keys}. For these we keep the entries from first collection." ) tempdict = self.functor_dict.copy() for key_other in keys_other: if key_other in common_keys: continue tempdict[key_other] = other.functor_dict[key_other] return self.__class__(tempdict)
# define += operator
[docs] def __iadd__( self: Self_FunctorCollection, other: Self_FunctorCollection ) -> Self_FunctorCollection: """ Return self adding the entries in FunctorCollection 'other'. Raises: TypeError: if the input type is not adequate, i.e a FunctorCollection instance. """ return self + other
[docs] def __sub__( self: Self_FunctorCollection, other: Self_FunctorCollection ) -> Self_FunctorCollection: """ Return unique entries from two FunctorCollections, e.g. FunctorCollection_1(A,B) - FuntorCollection_2(B,C) gives FunctorCollection(A,C) Raises: RuntimeError: if the two functors do not have any unique entries. """ keys_self = list(self.functor_dict.keys()) keys_other = list(other.functor_dict.keys()) # Set of elements that are in either self or other, but not in their intersection unique_keys = list(set(keys_self).symmetric_difference(set(keys_other))) if len(unique_keys) == 0: raise RuntimeError( "The two functors do not have any unique entries. Please check" ) from None tempdict = {} for key in unique_keys: if key in keys_other: tempdict[key] = other.functor_dict[key] else: tempdict[key] = self.functor_dict[key] return self.__class__(tempdict)
# define -= operator
[docs] def __isub__( self: Self_FunctorCollection, other: Self_FunctorCollection ) -> Self_FunctorCollection: """ Return self subtraction of the entries in FunctorCollection 'other'. See __sub__ for a description of the behaviour. """ return self - other
[docs] def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool: """ Check for key containment. Example: >>> c = FunctorCollection({"PT": F.PT}) >>> "PT" in c True >>> "Nope" in c False """ return key in self.functor_dict
[docs] def get_loki_functors(self) -> dict[str, str]: """ Return dictionary of loki functors (checking if the values are strings or not). """ return {k: v for k, v in self.functor_dict.items() if isinstance(v, str)}
[docs] def get_thor_functors(self) -> dict[str, FunctorBase]: """ Return dictionary of thor functors (checking if the values are not strings). Explicitly type checking for ThOr needed here are they always of type 'Functors.grammar.BoundFunctor'(?) """ return {k: v for k, v in self.functor_dict.items() if not isinstance(v, str)}
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Union[FunctorBase, str]) -> None: """ Add an item to the dictionary. """ if key in self.functor_dict: warnings.warn( f"FunctorCollection.__setitem__: The collection already contains the item with key {key}. Overwriting that entry." ) self.functor_dict[key] = value
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Union[FunctorBase, str]: """ Get an item to the dictionary. """ return self.functor_dict[key]
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: Self_FunctorCollection) -> bool: # type: ignore[override] """ Equality purely on the contents of the collections, i.e. the pairs (keys, values) of both dicts stored. """ return self.functor_dict == other.functor_dict
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Implement len(FunctorCollection). """ return len(self.functor_dict)