DaVinci Examples
For running the examples, follow the instructions at Running DaVinci. For running most of the example, use a bash
shell loaded with the DaVinci environment.
- Tupling
- All Functors in DaVinci
- All Functors in DaVinci
- DecayTreeFitter on filtered selection
- DecayTreeFitter in DaVinci
- Advanced DaVinci Job on MC
- Basic DaVinci Job
- Basic DaVinci Job on MC
- Reconstructible and reconstructed candidates with DaVinciMCTools
- Use
- DecayTreeFitter with PV constraints
- DecayTreeFitter with SubstitutePID
- FunTuple event-by-event
- FunTuple event-by-event primary b- and c-hadrons and their descendants
- Tagging Information in DaVinci
- Store Event Information
- Functor Collections
- Tupling from HLT2
- Matching example on data
- Tupling from Hlt2 packed reco objects
- Tupling from raw data
- Tupling from Spruce data
- Tupling from Spruce data output
- Tupling from Spruce MC
- Running on spruced turbo output
- Particle refitting on data
- Run on XGEN files
- Relation Tables and Isolation Variables
- Substitute PID
- Hlt1 and Hlt2 TISTOS Information
- TISTOS advanced
- MC Truth of unreconstructed particles
- Storing Trigger Decisions
- Printing Decay Trees
- V2 Composites