0. Basic DaVinci Job
Basic operation of DaVinci. This tutorial shows how to read particles from a turbo line and print the decay tree of the candidate. To improve processing speed, a pre-processing filter on the trigger line of interest is applied.
from DaVinci import Options, make_config
from DaVinci.algorithms import create_lines_filter
from PyConf.reading import get_particles
from PyConf.Algorithms import PrintDecayTree
def main(options: Options):
# Load data from dst onto a "temporary" TES (Transient Event Store) location for a given event cycle.
# We loop over the algorithms event-by-event, so for given event cycle, TES maps "path" to an "object".
# For the TES path checkout spruce_passthrough.tck.json or you can do a dst dump
# (see https://lhcb.github.io/starterkit-lessons/first-analysis-steps/interactive-dst.html)
turbo_line = "Hlt2B2CC_BsToJpsiPhi_Detached"
input_data = get_particles(f"/Event/HLT2/{turbo_line}/Particles")
# Add a filter: We are not really filtering over particles
# If the event hasn't fired a HLT2 line then the corresponding TES location does
# obviously not exist and therefore if any algorithm tries to look for this location,
# it will of course fail.
# Resolve this with a filter, where:
# - 1st argument is a user defined name.
# - 2nd argument is the line decision (inspect hlt2_starterkit.tck.json if needed))
my_filter = create_lines_filter("HDRFilter_SeeNoEvil", lines=[f"{turbo_line}"])
# Defining an algorithm. The algorithm here prints the decaytree
pdt = PrintDecayTree(name="PrintBsToJpsiPhi", Input=input_data)
user_algorithms = [my_filter, pdt]
return make_config(options, user_algorithms)
To run the example:
lbexec DaVinciTutorials.tutorial0_basic_DVjob:main $DAVINCITUTORIALSROOT/options.yaml
For reference, these are the options of this example
testfiledb_key: DaVinciTutorials
input_manifest_file: 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/wg/dpa/wp3/tests/hlt2_passthrough_thor_lines.tck.json'
evt_max: 100
ntuple_file: davinci_ntuple.root
input_process: TurboPass
print_freq: 1
lumi: False
persistreco_version: 0.0