Run on XGEN files

This example reads and process a xgen file.

from FunTuple import FunctorCollection, FunTuple_MCParticles as FuntupleMC
import FunTuple.functorcollections as FC
from PyConf.Algorithms import PrintMCTree
import Functors as F
from Functors.math import in_range
from DaVinci import Options, make_config
from PyConf.reading import get_mc_particles, get_mc_header
from RecoConf.algorithms_thor import MCParticleFilter

def main(options: Options):
    # FunTuple: define fields (branches)
    fields = {
        "Bu": "[B+ -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) K+]CC",
        "Jpsi": "[B+ -> ^(J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) K+]CC",
        "Kplus": "[B+ -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) ^K+]CC",
        "muplus": "[B+ -> (J/psi(1S) -> ^mu+ mu-) K+]CC",
        "muminus": "[B+ -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ ^mu-) K+]CC",

    # FunTuple: define variables for the B meson
    variables_B = FunctorCollection(
            "ETA": F.ETA,
            "PHI": F.PHI,
            "TAU": F.MC_LIFETIME,
            "ORIGIN_VX": F.ORIGIN_VX,
            "ORIGIN_VY": F.ORIGIN_VY,
            "ORIGIN_VZ": F.ORIGIN_VZ,
            "END_VX": F.END_VX,
            "END_VY": F.END_VY,
            "END_VZ": F.END_VZ,

    # FunTuple: define common variables
    variables_all = FunctorCollection({"PT": F.PT, "P": F.FOURMOMENTUM})

    # FunTuple: associate functor collections to field (branch) name
    variables = {
        "ALL": variables_all,
        "Bu": variables_B,

    # FunTuple: define input data
    all_mc_particles = get_mc_particles("/Event/MC/Particles")

    # FunTuple: define event-level variables using functor collections
    mc_header = get_mc_header()
    evt_vars = FC.MCPrimaries(mc_header=mc_header)

    printMC = PrintMCTree(
        MCParticles=all_mc_particles, ParticleNames=["B+", "B-"], OutputLevel=4

    # now we filter that set of B particles
    cut = F.require_all(in_range(1.8, F.ETA, 5.0))
    filtered_mc_particles = MCParticleFilter(all_mc_particles, F.FILTER(cut))

    tuple_BuJpsiK = FuntupleMC(

    return make_config(options, {"BuJpsiK": [printMC, tuple_BuJpsiK]})

To run the example:

lbexec DaVinciExamples.tupling.option_davinci_tupling_from_xgen:main $DAVINCIEXAMPLESROOT/example_data/Gauss_12143001_xgen.yaml

For reference, these are the options of this example

testfiledb_key: Gauss_12143001_xgen
histo_file: DV_histo_xgen.root
ntuple_file: DV_tuple_xgen.root
input_raw_format: 0.5
input_process: Gen
lumi: False
write_fsr: False