Reconstructible and reconstructed candidates with DaVinciMCTools
This example shows how to:
get variables related to reconstructible and reconstructed information on candidates
create a tuple of the candidates matching a specific decay chain
from PyConf.reading import get_mc_particles, get_pp2mcp_relations, get_mc_track_info
from FunTuple import FunTuple_MCParticles as MCFuntuple
from DaVinciMCTools import MCReconstructible as MCRectible, MCReconstructed as MCRected
from DaVinci import Options, make_config
import FunTuple.functorcollections as FC
def main(options: Options):
# Input
MC_data = get_mc_particles("/Event/HLT2/MC/Particles")
# PP2MCP relations
relations_charged = get_pp2mcp_relations("/Event/HLT2/Relations/ChargedPP2MCP")
relations_neutral = get_pp2mcp_relations("/Event/HLT2/Relations/NeutralPP2MCP")
# Get variables related to reconstructible information.
mcrtible = MCRectible(
) # tes location of MC track info
# The option extra_info is set to False by default and can be set to True to get more information
vars_rtible = FC.MCReconstructible(mcreconstructible_alg=mcrtible, extra_info=True)
print("Reconstructible functors:", vars_rtible.functor_dict.keys())
# Note instead of importing functorcollections (FC.MCReconstructible), one
# can directly add track related information using the helper class (DaVinciMCTools.MCReconstructible)
vars_rtible["EXTRA_MC_HASUT"] = mcrtible.HasUT
vars_rtible["EXTRA_MC_HASVELO"] = mcrtible.HasVelo
print("Reconstructible functors:", vars_rtible.functor_dict.keys())
# Get variables related to reconstructed information.
# - If "use_best_mcmatch = True" (default), the best associated reconstructed
# track to the mc particle is used (tupling scalars).
# - If "use_best_mcmatch = False", all associated reconstructed
# tracks to the mc particle are used (tupling arrays).
# Here we set it to false for testing purposes.
mcrted_all = MCRected(
# The option extra_info below is set to False by default in the functor collection.
vars_rted = FC.MCReconstructed(mcreconstructed_alg=mcrted_all, extra_info=True)
# Note:
# - Instead of importing functorcollections (FC.MCReconstructed), one
# can directly add track related information using the helper class (DaVinciMCTools.MCReconstructed).
# - A new functor can be added for e.g. vars_rtible["MC_HASUT"] = mcrtible(F.NEW_TRACK_FUNCTOR)
vars_rted["EXTRA_TRACK_TYPE[TRACK_INDX]"] = mcrted_all.TrackType
vars_rted["EXTRA_TRACK_HASUT[TRACK_INDX]"] = mcrted_all.HasUT
print("Reconstructed functors:", vars_rted.functor_dict.keys())
# Variables
variables = {
"ALL": vars_rted,
# Apply reconstructible to charged particles
"Kplus": vars_rtible,
"pip": vars_rtible,
"pim1": vars_rtible,
"pim2": vars_rtible,
# Define fields
fields = {
"B0": "[[B0]CC -> (D- -> K+ pi- pi-) pi+]CC",
"Dm": "[[B0]CC -> ^(D- -> K+ pi- pi-) pi+]CC",
"Kplus": "[[B0]CC -> (D- -> ^K+ pi- pi-) pi+]CC",
"pip": "[[B0]CC -> (D- -> K+ pi- pi-) ^pi+]CC",
"pim1": "[[B0]CC -> (D- -> K+ ^pi- pi-) pi+]CC",
"pim2": "[[B0]CC -> (D- -> K+ pi- ^pi-) pi+]CC",
# Make tuple algorithm
tuple_Dpi = MCFuntuple(
# Run
return make_config(options, [tuple_Dpi])
To run the example:
lbexec DaVinciExamples.tupling.example-tupling-mc-reconstructible-reconstructed:main $DAVINCIEXAMPLESROOT/example_data/test_hlt1_trigger_decisions.yaml
For reference, these are the options of this example
testfiledb_key: hlt1_trigger_decisions
input_manifest_file: root://
evt_max: 44
histo_file: hlt2_B0_test_histo.root
ntuple_file: hlt2_B0_test_ntuple.root
input_process: Hlt2
persistreco_version: 0.0
lumi: False
write_fsr: False