TISTOS advanced
For a multibody decay, this example shows how to get TIS/TOS information on the two-body combinations e.g. to check which of the two-body combinations fired the Hlt1TwoTrackMVA line.
from PyConf.reading import get_particles
import Functors as F
from FunTuple import FunTuple_Particles as Funtuple
from FunTuple import FunctorCollection
import FunTuple.functorcollections as FC
from DaVinci import Options, make_config
from DaVinci.algorithms import create_lines_filter
from PyConf.Algorithms import ParticleToSubcombinationsAlg
def main(options: Options):
# define fields for candidates in the Hlt2 line
fields = {
"Bs": "[B_s0 -> (phi(1020) -> K+ K-) (phi(1020) -> K+ K-)]CC",
"phi1": "[B_s0 -> ^(phi(1020) -> K+ K-) (phi(1020) -> K+ K-)]CC",
"phi2": "[B_s0 -> (phi(1020) -> K+ K-) ^(phi(1020) -> K+ K-)]CC",
"Kp1": "[B_s0 -> (phi(1020) -> ^K+ K-) (phi(1020) -> K+ K-)]CC",
"Km1": "[B_s0 -> (phi(1020) -> K+ ^K-) (phi(1020) -> K+ K-)]CC",
"Kp2": "[B_s0 -> (phi(1020) -> K+ K-) (phi(1020) -> ^K+ K-)]CC",
"Km2": "[B_s0 -> (phi(1020) -> K+ K-) (phi(1020) -> K+ ^K-)]CC",
# define variables to be added to all fields
variables_all = FunctorCollection({"PT": F.PT})
# specify line name to get data and define a filter for that line
line_name = "Hlt2BnoC_BdsToPhiPhi"
data = get_particles(f"/Event/HLT2/{line_name}/Particles")
my_filter = create_lines_filter(name="HDRFilter_test", lines=[f"{line_name}"])
# Lets store the Hlt1specify Hlt1 line names for which TIS/TOS information is requested.
# Note that the Hlt2 Tis/Tos information is work-in-progress and
# only Hlt1 Tis/Tos information is available at the moment.
Hlt1_decisions = ["Hlt1TrackMVADecision", "Hlt1TwoTrackMVADecision"]
# Use the functorcollection "HltTisTos"
# 1st argument is selection type: "Hlt1" or "Hlt2". Currently only "Hlt1" is supported.
# 2nd argument is the list of Hlt1 line names for which TIS/TOS information is requested.
# 3rd argument is the TES location of the reconstructed particles.
variables_tistos = FC.HltTisTos(
selection_type="Hlt1", trigger_lines=Hlt1_decisions, data=data
# Here, the TIS/TOS information is added for all possible
# subcombinations of particles, i.e. (K1 K2), (K2 K4) etc.
# This is done by first getting the standard TisTos functors
# and then mapping them through a relation table
data_subcombinations = ParticleToSubcombinationsAlg(Input=data)
tistos_variables_extra = FC.HltTisTos(
variables_tistos_subcomb = {}
for k, v in tistos_variables_extra.get_thor_functors().items():
variables_tistos_subcomb[k + "_SUBCOMB"] = F.MAP_INPUT_ARRAY(
v, data_subcombinations.OutputRelations
variables_tistos_subcomb = FunctorCollection(variables_tistos_subcomb)
variables_all += variables_tistos
variables = {"Bs": variables_tistos_subcomb, "ALL": variables_all}
# When the TIS and TOS information of candidate wrt a line is negative but the event has still fired a Hlt1 line,
# then the trigger category for candidates wrt to that line is TOB (Trigger On Both) i.e. (!TIS && !TOS && event_decision).
# To store "event_decision" of Hlt1 lines and check for "TOB", we use "SelectionInfo" functor collection.
evt_variables = FC.SelectionInfo(
selection_type="Hlt1", trigger_lines=Hlt1_decisions
# define funtuple instance
my_tuple = Funtuple(
return make_config(options, [my_filter, my_tuple])
To run the example:
lbexec DaVinciExamples.tupling.option_davinci_tupling_tistos_advanced:main $DAVINCIEXAMPLESROOT/example_data/test_tistos_advanced.yaml
For reference, these are the options of this example
testfiledb_key: tistos_advanced
input_manifest_file: 'root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/wg/dpa/wp3/tests/hlt2overhlt1_tck-phiphi.json'
ntuple_file: tuple_tistos_advanced.root
evt_max: -1
print_freq: 1000
input_process: Hlt2
persistreco_version: 0.0
lumi: False
write_fsr: False