Welcome to DaVinci’s documentation!
DaVinci is the LHCb offline analysis application. It allows the users to produce the tuples in which the relevant information of the reconstructed particles of the decay of interest are stored. Consider it as your way to access LHCb data!
The main purpose of DaVinci is tupling. You can use it in Analysis Productions, for submitting your own productions with Ganga, or for running small jobs on cvmfs systems, like lxplus at CERN.
Nevertheless, since it gives you access to more detailed information about the reconstructed particles, DaVinci also allows to perform more detailed studies on the Sprucing or Turbo output.
This site documents the various aspects of DaVinci, which is fundamentally a group of Python packages that configure algorithms, tools, data flow, and control flow in order to run a Gaudi-based application that has full access to Sprucing and Turbo output.
User Guide
- DaVinci Configuration
- Tupling with FunTuple
- Running DaVinci
- Developing DaVinci
- Documenting DaVinci
- Studying HLT efficiencies, rates and overlaps
- Setup instructions
- How to interact with HltEfficiencyChecker
- Example: my first config file using the
wizard - Running the tool on a
config file - Example: using the wizard to calculate HLT2 rates
- How we define an efficiency
- How we define a rate
- Beyond the wizard: writing and running your own options file
- Calculating overlaps between selections
- Example: using the wizard to calculate HLT1 overlaps
- Running a combined HLT1 and HLT2
- Customizing your rate/efficiency results
Examples & Tutorials
- DaVinci Tutorials
- DaVinci Examples
- Tupling
- All Functors in DaVinci
- All Functors in DaVinci
- DecayTreeFitter on filtered selection
- DecayTreeFitter in DaVinci
- Advanced DaVinci Job on MC
- Basic DaVinci Job
- Basic DaVinci Job on MC
- Reconstructible and reconstructed candidates with DaVinciMCTools
- Use
- DecayTreeFitter with PV constraints
- DecayTreeFitter with SubstitutePID
- FunTuple event-by-event
- FunTuple event-by-event primary b- and c-hadrons and their descendants
- Tagging Information in DaVinci
- Store Event Information
- Functor Collections
- Tupling from HLT2
- Matching example on data
- Tupling from Hlt2 packed reco objects
- Tupling from raw data
- Tupling from Spruce data
- Tupling from Spruce data output
- Tupling from Spruce MC
- Running on spruced turbo output
- Particle refitting on data
- Run on XGEN files
- Relation Tables and Isolation Variables
- Re-using particles from a decay tree
- Substitute PID
- Hlt1 and Hlt2 TISTOS Information
- TISTOS advanced
- MC Truth of unreconstructed particles
- Storing Trigger Decisions
- Printing Decay Trees
- V2 Composites
- Tupling
API Reference